英语推荐网 成人英语 成人学士学位英语考试每日一练 词汇语法(11月08日)

成人学士学位英语考试每日一练 词汇语法(11月08日)



1. The news quickly spread through the village _____ the war had ended.

A. which B. what C. that D. where

2. We hurried to the station _____ find

ourselves three hours earlier for the train.

A. only to B. in order to C. so as to D. such as to

3. I meant _____ you, but I’m afraid I forgot.

A. ringing B. being ringing C. to ringing D. to ring

4. We live in a time _____, more than ever before in history, people are moving.

A. what B. when C. which D. where

5. Is there any possibility of getting the price _____ further?

A. reduced B. reduce C. reducing D. be reduced

1. C【句意】战争结束的消息很快传遍了村庄。

【解析】 在idea,fact,news,belief,suggestion等词后用that 致使的从句作同位语,阐明该名词的具体内容;同位语可以不紧跟在它阐明的名词后边,而被另外词离隔。

2. A【句意】咱们匆忙赶到火车站时却发现早到了三个小时。

【解析】动词不定式在句中可用来作意图、成果状语。only to do(不料却)标明“成果”;in order to和so as to意思均为“以便,为了”,表达“意图”;such as to “到如此的程度致使”,例如:Her kindness was such as to make us all love her.根据题意,应选A.

3. D【句意】正本我要给你打电话的,怅惘的是我忘掉了。

【解析】动词mean 后,可用动名词作宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,但意义不一样很大,mean doing 是“意味着”而mean to do是“意欲,方案做”的意思。接动词不定式和动名词有差异的动词还有remember,forget,stop,go on 和regret等,总的来说,与这类动词连用时,动名词指发生于这些动词之前的事,不定式标明发生在它们之后的事。

4. B【句意】在咱们所日子的这个年代,我们的活动性比前史就任何一个时期都大。

【解析】先行词a time,在定语从句中作时刻状语,故选择标明时刻的联络副词when.

5. A【句意】 价格有可以再降低吗?

【解析】to get something done规划常用来标明使某事得以做成,所以选择A.

特别举荐:各省市学位英语网络课程热招 名师辅导>>


作者: admin