英语推荐网 成人英语 英语口语 老外说“what are you like”,千万不要这么答复他!

英语口语 老外说“what are you like”,千万不要这么答复他!

地道英语口语每天学,今日的学习内容是与“like”有关的地道表达。比方:当老外说“what are you l…

地道英语口语每天学,今日的学习内容是与“like”有关的地道表达。比方:当老外说“what are you like”,你千万不要这么答复他!这是为啥呢?一同来学习吧!

1.如何答复“What are you like?”

这个语句在英文词典中的说明如下:used when someone has said or done something silly,即“…怎么这个姿势”,表达或人的言行很愚笨。所以当你听到老外说“what are you

like”时,千万不要答复你是一个啥样的人哦,其实是有责怪的意义。类似的还有,what is he/she like。


–“Of course Emma’s only worry was whether her lipstick had smudged.”

–“Emma! What is she like?”


2.What’s not to like?

“what’s not to like”是一个很地道的有用表达,它在英文词典中的说明如下:used to say that you think something is very good, and that nobody could disagree with your opinion,中辞意思即“(标明认为非常好)有啥不好的呢?”。简略又有用,还不快快学起来?

例句:It’s a large hotel with a swimming pool. what’s not to like? 这是一个带着游水池的酒店,有啥不好的呢?

3.like it or lump it

“like it or lump it”是一个很有道理的表达,它在英语词典中的说明是: If you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean that person must accept a situation they do not like, because it cannot be changed.,即“有必要承受某个现状,因为情况无法改动”。在口语中运用起来也对错常简略的,比方:

Like it or lump it, online shopping is used regularly by millions.





英语口语:外国人常说的“my bad”究竟啥意思呢?竟然这么简略?


作者: admin