英语推荐网 成人英语 “请张总讲话、对事不对人等”,这些该怎么说 商务英语秀起来

“请张总讲话、对事不对人等”,这些该怎么说 商务英语秀起来


各位已进入职场的高手们,面临各类职场场景和使命,如开会、讲话、做报表、提定见、赶交期等等,该如何用英语表达?商务英语不一样于口语,有其固定的表达和用法,例如“做报表”,在商务英语中就是— crunch numbers.


◢ 开会

开会:hold a meeting会议纪要:Minutes (对,就是“分钟”的那个Minute)→ 做会议纪要:make minutes咱们今日会议议程第一项立保冬是…:The first item on the agenda today is…请张总讲话:Mr.David, you have the floor, please!我想说两句:I would like to say something here, please.还有啥要弥补的吗?Do you have anything further to add before we move on next item?别跑题:Let’s not loose sight of our main topic here

.言归正传:Let’s get back to the point,咱们是不是跑题了?Are we getting sidetracked here?我提劣理言议把核算审议从会议议加施程中删去: I move that the budget review item be struck from the agenda.■ 我提议:I move that…; 把sth从议程中删去:strike sth from an agenda

◢ 财务&融资

财务报表:financial statement / financial report做报表:crunch the numbers赶交期:meet the deadline资产负债表:balance sheet还价还价:haggle over要谈论一下:up for discussion处置财务疑问:iron out financial issues财务小姐姐们都忙疯掉了:I have been so swamped.Everyday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each. –Christopher Rice

◢ 交流

别往心里去:Take take it into heart不要误解我的意思:Don’t get me wrong我这是对事不对人:Don’t take it personally无意开罪,绝非原意:I don’t know if I’ve said or done anything wrong that offended you, but I can assure you, it was completely unintended.已然你说到了:Now that you mentioned it有空吗?聊两句?Do you have a minute? I want to discuss something with you.我感触咱们之间的交流一向都顺畅:I sense that our communication hasn’t been so effective.■ 假定我失态了,请宽恕,可是我不是有意的:Excuse me if I’m out of line, but I am absolutely not intentional.


作者: admin