style=\”position: absolute; width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; left: -9999px; top: -9999px;\”>用英文教宝宝“包饺子”,新年亲子英语必备jessica
一、和面:preparing the dough [d?u]
1. 宝宝们,咱们先和面。和面要用到面粉和水。
babies, lets start by preparing the dough. we will be using flour and water to make the dough.
2. 先把一些面粉倒在盆里,一边把水逐渐倒进面粉里,一边搅拌面粉。
pour the flour a large
mixing bowl [b?ul]. stir the flour as you slowly add water.
注:英语里会按用处来区别各种器皿,比方搅拌用的碗叫mixing bowl,上菜用的盘子叫serving plate。<br></h3> <h3>3. 当面粉变成面疙瘩的时分,咱们就可以下手和面了。
when the flour starts to cake, its time for us to use our hands to work on the dough.<br></h3> <h3>4. 和面时,一只手捉住盆的边缘,另一只手用力揉面,揉到面团表面光滑中止。当盆和手都很洁净不沾黏时,面就和洽了。
hold the bowl with one hand and use the other hand to knead the dough until it becomes smooth. the dough is ready when the bowl and your hands are clean and no longer sticky.<br></h3> <h3>5. 把面放在盆里醒一会儿,留心要用锅盖把盆盖起来,否则面会变干的。
put the dough a bowl and let it stand for a while. remember to cover the bowl with a lid, otherwise the dough will become dry. <br></h3> <h3>二、做馅:preparing the filling
6. 孩子们,在醒面的一起,咱们干点另外,做馅儿。
children, while the dough is standing, lets switch gears and prepare the filling.
7. 今日,咱们包韭菜鸡蛋馅儿饺子。首要,咱们要把韭菜择好、洗净。
today, we are going to make egg and chive dumplings. first, we need to pick out and rinse the chives.<br></h3> <h3>8. 材料包括:三个鸡蛋、一把韭菜、姜、盐、酱油、料酒和香油少量。
the ingredients include three eggs, a handful of chives, some ginger, a pinch of salt, a dab of soy sauce [s??s], some cooking wine and some sesame oil.
9. 首要,把鸡蛋打在碗里,用利巴鸡蛋打散。
start by cracking the eggs a bowl and beating them well.
10. 然后,在锅中放入少量油,把鸡蛋炒熟、炒碎。
then add some oil the wok and stir fry the eggs small pieces. <br></h3> <h3>11. 接下来,把韭菜切成小块。切的时分左手捉住韭菜,右手拿刀,一点一点切。
next, dice the chives. hold the chives with your left hand. use your right hand to hold the knife and chop bit by bit. <br></h3> <h3>12. 好了,如今把切好的韭菜和炒好的鸡蛋放进一个大盆里。
great. now put the diced chives and fried eggs a large mixing bowl.
13. 把姜切成沫,放入盛有鸡蛋和韭菜的盆里。然后参加恰当盐、酱油、料酒、香油,之后把馅儿搅拌均匀。这样馅儿就做好了。
cut the ginger small pieces and add them the mixing bowl along with the eggs and chives. then, add some salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, sesame oil and mix them together. the filling is now ready. <br></h3> <h3>三、擀皮:making the dumpling wrappers / skin
14. 宝物们,该做饺子皮了。首要,咱们把案板收拾洁净,在上面撒一些面粉,这样面就不会粘在案板上了。
sweethearts, its time to make the dumpling wrappers. first of all, we need to clean the cutting / chopping board and then sprinkle some flour on it. this makes sure the dough won