学习没有所谓的捷径,但是一定有科学的方法。小编今天读到一篇名为“如何用最科学的办法学习一门外语”文章,其原文作者是美国作家和创业家 Beth 女士。为了方便大家查看,小编将会把该篇的中英全文放在了本文下方。
在其文章中提到了5个有助于进行有效语言学习的方法,它们分别是: 间隔重复; you 睡前学习; , not the 学习语言内容,而非语言本身; a 每天都练习一点点;Mix new and old 温故知新。
对 产品比较了解的朋友一定很快发现了什么,这似乎与 课件的课程设计相通啊。甚至也会想到, 建议的30:3:3语言习得循环更是巨细地规范了一个好的语言学习行为应该是:每次(最好每天)学习30分钟,然后在3周内将所学的知识点复习3次。
How we
is we’re born to do. As , we to , to and pick up an of in our , or . From then on, we all new in to the one we knew—the one that we used to the us for the time ever.
When it to a , are at a . As we age, our ’s (its to new and ) is . that a loss of , for , have that are more to the of , by new in the to the ones.
’s hope, . A of that some who as as well as . It’s also been that to can , so if you want to a , it’s not too late.
Give the best
If you want to put in the to a new , try that are for and .
1. 间隔重复。
is a that you keep what you’ve in your mind. The way it is you each word or you’ve in . the will be : you a new word a few in one , and then the next day. Once you know it well you’ll be able to days or it.
2. you
2. 睡前学习。
One of the many we get from is that it to out the ’s “” – the of new and from our time . We need (even just a nap) to move we’ve into our ’s long term . Once it’s , will help to the so we can the and more .
3. , not the
3. 学习语言内容,而非语言本身。
most and on the , a of high that when they in of a to , the for and were more to . in the on and , so both have .
Once you’ve the of a new , try some on a you’re in to your . You have with the same , read or to a to test .
4. a
4. 每天都练习一点点。
If you’re busy, you be to put off your and cram in a big of once week or two. , a day is more . your ’s “” has and only can it out, you’ll hit the of how much you can take in if you for at a time.
5. Mix new and old
5. 温故知新。
The but to lots of new or at once can be . work best when they’re in with .
When you add new to your , try them in- you’re with so they’ll out—your will onto them more .
创建于 04:07