英语推荐网 英语学习 飞机上常用英语口语对话:畅游高空时尚


飞机上常用英语口语对话:畅游高空时尚 在当今全球化的时代,乘坐飞机已经成为人们生活中的一部分。无论是商务出差还…




1. 问候与检查:在上飞机之前,通常会有一位航空公司的工作人员迎接您。
Passenger: Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening!
Staff: Good morning/afternoon/evening! Can I see your boarding pass, please?

2. 安全检查:安检是一个非常重要的环节,确保飞机的安全起飞。
Security officer: Please put your bags on the conveyor belt.
Passenger: Yes, of course. Do I need to take out my laptop?
Security officer: No, it\’s fine. Just make sure everything is out of your pockets.


3. 乘务员的问候:乘务员会在乘客登机后向大家问好并介绍自己。
Cabin crew: Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Grace. I will be your flight attendant today. If you need anything, please feel free to ask.

4. 饮食选择:在长时间的航班上,往往会有提供食物和饮料的服务。
Passenger: Excuse me, what are the meal options?
Cabin crew: We have chicken with rice or vegetarian pasta. Which one would you like?

5. 请求服务:如果您需要任何帮助,可以随时向乘务员寻求帮助。
Passenger: Excuse me, could you please bring me a blanket?
Cabin crew: Sure, I will bring you one right away.


6. 航班延误:有时航班可能会延误,乘务员会及时提供相关信息。
Passenger: Excuse me, what\’s the reason for the delay?
Cabin crew: Due to bad weather conditions, we are experiencing a delay. We apologize for the inconvenience.

7. 航班到达时间:在即将到达目的地时,乘务员会提供航班到达时间的信息。
Cabin crew: Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing in approximately 30 minutes. Thank you for flying with us.


8. 道别:当航班结束时,乘务员会跟乘客道别

Cabin crew: Thank you for choosing our airline. Have a great day!
Passenger: Thank you. Goodbye!

9. 下机流程:下机前,乘客需要遵循指示,有序地离开飞机。
Staff: Please remain seated with your seatbelt fastened until the seatbelt sign is turned off. Thank you for your cooperation.



作者: admin
